A Collaboration to Simplify EV Charging Rollouts Across New York City
Charge Enterprises has announced Connected Kerb (“Kerb”) has selected Charge Infrastructure as its installation provider for a pilot project in New York City.
Charge Enterprises and Connected Kerb will collaborate on this groundbreaking pilot which will focus on testing scalable, cost-effective charging infrastructure in New York City. This project is driven by a collaboration between the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) and Newlab, the DOT Studio, which is focused on applying emerging technologies to advance planning, policy, operations, and real-time management of transportation across New York City to support the City’s Vision Zero and sustainability goals.
One of the objectives of the pilot is to help drive EV charging rollouts across New York City, with the mission of leveraging potential funding opportunities to achieve the City’s goal of 10,000 curbside chargers by 2030, and electrifying 20% of municipal parking bays by 2025.
Charge, through one of its operating divisions, Charge Infrastructure, offers end-to-end services for EV charging ecosystems, including project management, design and engineering, construction, installation, and maintenance and service. In alignment with our collective goals, Charge and Connected Kerb seek to accelerate the transition to global sustainable mobility that is equitable, safe, reliable and scalable powered with an integrated white glove, custom, seamless infrastructure solution.
“This pilot program addresses one of the major issues of EV adoption in urban settings, coupled with an opportunity to reach a consumer market of tens of millions wanting to join in the EV revolution, personally as a native and resident of New York, I am proud that our team has been selected to participate with Connected Kerb in this program focused on sustainability and equity to drive the adoption of EV’s in my own home town and where Charge is headquartered ” said Andrew Fox, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Charge Enterprises.
“I commend the New York Department of Transportation’s decision to prioritize those living and working in New York City with such an optimal product solution engineered by Connected Kerb.” “New York City has established ambitious and necessary goals for electric vehicle adoption. Today, the two million light duty vehicles in the city account for 80% of the city’s transportation emissions. The DOT Studio project will help expedite emission reductions, drive electric vehicle adoption and improve public health,” said Steve Richardson and Nick Dobie, Co-Founders of Connected Kerb.