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About Us

With an aim to promote the ESDM sector and a vision to propel the whole Engineer’s community, BISinfotech for years-now has been curating content to cater the complete electronics industry. From prototype to innovations, and from design to product, BISinfotech counterparts, dedicated writers, technical heads and industry veterans have helped our electronics B2B community to grow vigorously.

Why BISinfotech?

League of Engineers Community and Electronic B2B Buyers/Purchasers

Engineers, electronics industry leaders, bloggers, manufacturers, distributors, renegades, technical service providers, experts, early engineering, government agencies all under one roof.

Compare and Buy – The First Trade Media in India to Justify ‘BIS’ – Business

The first trade media platform in India which helps you ‘Compare and Buy’ components in real-time. Over millions of products for your design, just find it all here. Easy, isn’t it!


BISinfotech positions itself in all major trade shows and also conducts flagship events every year. Bringing niche footfall and innovators together, BISinfotech has kept the value of networking and exchange of business ideas alive for quite a time now.     

Our Expertise Across Major Industries

Not Just Electronics updates, But our salient team has put their inks on Semiconductor, Test and Measurement, Security, Telecom, Aerospace & Defense, Cloud and Data. Everyday our expert team and industry experts help us develop and create stories, articles, news and all that is needed to keep you in the front seat of innovations.

Testing was Never That Fun Before. We Made It Secure and Connected With the Next Speed of Generation!

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