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Rohde & Schwarz Provides Equipment to CSA Group New Headquarters

CSA Group has selected T&M and amplifier equipment for the two test chambers from Rohde & Schwarz.

CSA Group has established a new European headquarters in Plattling in the State of Bavaria, Germany where the required test and measurement and amplifier equipment come from Rohde & Schwarz.

Rohde & Schwarz Equipment CSA GroupAs part of this project, CSA Group is considerably expanding its testing capabilities for German and European customers.

“CSA Group′s new European headquarters will house one of the largest EMC labs in Europe”, explains Dieter Fröhlich, Managing Director of CSA Group in Bavaria. “The new labs will provide a comprehensive solution for our customers, offering direct access to electronic experts and state-of-the-art T&M equipment. With a strong global reputation and decades of experience in the field of EMC measurements, Rohde & Schwarz was selected to supply the T&M equipment for our 10 m and 3 m EMC test chambers. Not only does the company provide the right solutions for our unique testing requirements, but the proximity to its Munich headquarters also offers convenience for future maintenance.”

Rohde & Schwarz has set up its test solutions in the new facilities in Plattling and commissioned the systems this autumn. “We are proud to furnish the test center of a certification organization as renowned as CSA Group with our T&M equipment. We are providing CSA Group with state-of-the-art EMC T&M equipment that supports all common standards worldwide. Particularly when many different tests need to be performed on a DUT, this can save considerable time and cost”, says Matthias Keller, Product Manager for EMC test equipment at Rohde & Schwarz in Munich.

With the opening of the new facility, the company is now able to offer its customers a comprehensive service portfolio, including a wide variety of testing, inspection and certification services, from a single source, in the heart of Europe.

CSA Group intends to apply for numerous accreditations for this facility, including recognition as a notified body of the EU, IECEx and IECEE CB Scheme accreditation, and accreditation as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).

CSA Group has selected T&M and amplifier equipment for the two test chambers from Rohde & Schwarz.

To measure electromagnetic interference, Rohde & Schwarz supplies the most powerful EMI test receivers on the market.

The R&S ESW for certification measurements comes with excellent RF characteristics and fast test times. It offers ultrafast FFT-based time domain scans and real-time spectrum analysis, enabling detailed investigation of electromagnetic interference. The T&M equipment also includes artificial main networks and antennas.


Aishwarya Saxena

A book geek, with creative mind, an electronics degree, and zealous for writing.Creativity is the one thing in her opinion which drove her to enter into editing field. Allured towards south Indian cuisine and culture, love to discover new cultures and their customs. Relishes in discovering new music genres.

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