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element14 Augments its IoT Hub by Adding New Content

The IoT hub, available in English, French, German and Polish, contains a variety of IoT news items and feature stories, case studies, products, and interviews, as well as technical articles exploring the possibilities of IoT applications.

Internet of Things

element14 announces the addition of further new content to its IoT Hub. The IoT hub, available in English, French, German and Polish, contains a variety of IoT news items and feature stories, case studies, products, and interviews, as well as technical articles exploring the possibilities of IoT applications.

The New Content Added to the Hub includes:

  • Design Choices for Bluetooth Low Energy– in Bluetooth’s fifth major release it is now possible to tune wireless communication to the precise needs of an application. The article covers the factors to consider when designing BLE into the end equipment from RF Antenna Options and prototcol support to API considerations.
  • Wearable technology: what exactly is it, and why is it so popular discusses the latest innovations in the wearables market from  intelligent clothing and smart jewelry to smart tattoos before looking at design approaches currently available to systems developers
  • What’s going on in the Internet of Things?looks at four key areas of the Internet of Things ecosphere – sensors, power management, security and connectivity, reporting on some of the latest and most exciting developments in each, before discussing the relationship between IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how the use of Cloud technology can help facilitate future and more ambitious IoT projects.

In addition to the above articles, visitors to the IoT hub can read guest features from Murata Europe, Correctly selected connectivity is essential to an effective Internet of Things, and ARM, Extending the battery-life of an IoT BLE device where the readers can analyse how key communication technologies have evolved to meet the complex, and sometimes challenging needs of the IoT as well as revealing a hardware solution that will significantly ease the design task.  ARM takes a close look at the L-Tek FF1502, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based sensor tag which operates as a broadcaster or beacon; the article explains how to optimize the battery life of an application running on the beacon by using the ULINKplus debug adapter that enables high-precision power analysis together with Arm Keil MDK.

Further info, visit: Click here


Jyoti Gazmer

A Mass Comm. graduate believes strongly in the power of words. A book lover who dreams to own a library some day. An introvert but will become your closest friend if you share mutual feelings about COFFEE. I prefer having more puppies over humans.

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