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GLCommunciations New SMS Test Solutions Over LTE/IMS, UMTS and GSM Networks

GL Communications, a major telecom test and measurement solutions company now adds support for testing SMS Services over LTE SGs interface, and SIP IMS network.

GL Communications, a major telecom test and measurement solutions providing information and insight into our latest Short Message Service (SMS) Test Solutions, which now adds support for testing SMS Services over LTE SGs interface, and SIP IMS network.

Mobile Networks

Speaking to the press, Vijay Kulkarni the CEO of GL Communications, said, “Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service available through a mobile phone, web, or other wireless communication systems, using standardized communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages between two subscribers. Most SMS messages are mobile-to-mobile text messages; however, the standard supports other types of broadcast messaging as well.”

GL Communications’ Newly Enhanced SMS Features:

  • SMS Testing from Within the Wireless Infrastructure

When testing from within the wireless infrastructure, thousands to millions of messages can be sent to thousands to millions of mobile phones in a simulated environment to load test or verify / validate the SMS messages. Our multi-purpose emulation platform called MAPS (Message Automation and Protocol Simulation) has the ability to push / pull Short Messages over the network as if sent by thousands of mobile phones (SMS-MO and SMS-MT). Supported interfaces include – GSM A (TDM/IP), GSM Abis (TDM/IP), MAP (TDM/IP), CAP (TDM/IP), UMTS IuCS-IuH (TDM/IP), LTE S1, LTE SGs, SIP, Diameter, and IMS.

  • SMS Monitoring

GL’s multi-technology protocol analyser probes over IP and TDM offer SMS monitoring and capturing both Mobile Originating (MO) and Mobile Terminating (MT) short messages and further analyze using the advanced features within the analyzers. NetSurveyorWeb, a web-based client that facilitates display of all captured call data records, flexibility to filter for records of interest, and view call graphs.

  • End-to-End SMS Testing

VQuad Probe HD can be used for testing end to end SMS services at end point, independent of underlying network. The probe works in conjunction with a Mobile Device Controller application and “smartphone app” on mobile phones to send or receive SMS messages and record results such as pass or fail. All test results are automatically relayed to a Central Database where they are accessed using  WebViewer a simple web browser which facilities results/statistics in tabular or graphical formats.


Niloy Banerjee

A generic movie-buff, passionate and professional with print journalism, serving editorial verticals on Technical and B2B segments, crude rover and writer on business happenings, spare time playing physical and digital forms of games; a love with philosophy is perennial as trying to archive pebbles from the ocean of literature. Lastly, a connoisseur in making and eating palatable cuisines.

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