IBM Cloud Becomes the First-Choice for SMBs
The IBM Cloud is foraying into the SMBs across India – SEL Group, Polytech Instruments and Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) will use IBM Connections Cloud, enabling them to significantly reduce operational costs and improve productivity.
IBM Connections Cloud is a set of cloud-delivered online technologies that combine social networking and online collaboration, messaging, and web conference tools. Using these collaborative tools, employees will be able to provide a better experience and superior support by being able to tap into internal experts, information, and resources.
“As SMBs grow and expand their businesses, better organizational integration and collaboration become a crucial success factor. The move to IBM Connections Cloud has allowed us to harness the power of social, mobile and cloud and generate real business value through greater workforce productivity, deeper customer engagement and improved operations. It has strongly integrated our operations across various locations,” said Z.S. Chaudhari, President, Information Technology at SEL Group.
“Enterprises, small or large, are harnessing the benefits of cloud computing. They face challenges around reliability, standards, security, and control in truly extending the use of cloud beyond IT. IBM Connections Cloud provides easy-to-access integrated email, social business capabilities and third-party applications along with its enterprise grade security and control. This will help these SMBs to overcome the challenge of optimizing workforce with minimal IT spend, with client delight in mind, “said Gaurav Sharma, Director, Social Solutions, Smarter Workforce & Internet of Things, IBM India / SA
The facilitated companies have units across India and abroad and each turned to Connections Cloud to develop better collaboration and integration among employees and between business groups.