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Indium Corporation’s Expert to Present at IMPACT-EMAP

HongWen Zhang will focus on the benefits of Indium Corporation's Durafuse LT a patent-pending, innovative low-temperature alloy technology

Indium Corporation’s low-temperature alloy technology, Durafuse LT, has been decided to be the focus of a presentation by HongWen Zhang at the International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT), Dec. 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan.

Indium IMPACTLow-temperature solders with peak reflow temperatures of 200°C and below have been extensively studied, including the 2017 iNEMI Board and Assembly Roadmap which forecast a 20 percent adoption rate of low-temperature solders for board assembly by 2027.

BiSn solders are the leading candidates in these studies, however, the intrinsic brittleness of Bi renders poor drop shock performance and compromised reliability.

In A Novel Lead-Free, Low-Temperature Solder with Excellent Drop Shock Resistance, Zhang will examine the benefits of Indium Corporation’s Durafuse LT a patent-pending, innovative low-temperature alloy technology that offers enhanced reliability with drop shock performance two orders of magnitude better than Bi-containing solders.

Zhang is the manager of the Alloy Group within Indium Corporation’s Research & Development Department. His focus is on the development of lead-free solder materials and the associated technologies for high-reliability applications.

He and Ning-Cheng Lee invented the mixed powder solder technique to combine the merits of constituents to improve wetting, reduce processing temperatures, modify the bonding interface, and control the joint’s morphology, thus improving the reliability.

Based on this technique, the Durafuse LT, BiAgX®, and Durafuse™ HT solder systems were invented to meet the market need. He has published more than 20 papers and journal articles.

Zhang received his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering, as well as a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Michigan Technological University. He holds a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and is a certified IPC specialist for A-600 and IPC-A-610D.

Indium Corporation is a premier materials refiner, smelter, manufacturer, and supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, thin-film, and thermal management markets.

Products include solders and fluxes; brazes; thermal interface materials; sputtering targets; indium, gallium, germanium, and tin metals and inorganic compounds; and NanoFoil.

Founded in 1934, the company has global technical support and factories located in China, Germany, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.


Aishwarya Saxena

A book geek, with creative mind, an electronics degree, and zealous for writing.Creativity is the one thing in her opinion which drove her to enter into editing field. Allured towards south Indian cuisine and culture, love to discover new cultures and their customs. Relishes in discovering new music genres.

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