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Infineon Introduces 40 V device in PQFN to its MOSFET family

Infineon Technologies has added the 25 V devices into its OptiMOS™ 40 V low-voltage power MOSFET to the market. It is packaged in the Source-Down (SD) PQFN with a 3.3 x 3.3 mm2 footprint. The 40 V SD MOSFET primarily addresses SMPS for server, telecom, and OR-ing, as well as battery protection, power tool, and charger applications.

InfineonThe SD package features silicon that is being flipped upside down inside of the component. With that, the source potential is connected to the PCB over the thermal pad instead of the drain potential. In the end, this variant can lead to a major reduction of RDS(on) by up to 25 percent compared to the current technology.

 The thermal resistance between junction to case (RthJC) is also significantly improved compared to the traditional PQFN packages. The SD OptiMOS can withstand high continuous currents of up to 194 A. Additionally, the optimized layout possibilities and the more efficient utilization of the PCB allow for greater design flexibility together with highest performance.


Nitisha Dubey

I am a Journalist with a post graduate degree in Journalism & Mass Communication. I love reading non-fiction books, exploring different destinations and varieties of cuisines. Biographies and historical movies are few favourites.

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