IT Trends- The next Big Thing!
Technology has carved a Hybrid evolution among the IT think tankers. Despite of challenges and proliferation of new solutions, technologies like Hybrid Cloud, Software Defined Data Centers, IoT, Cyber Security and Software Defined Storage has put on the mainstream headlines. Amazingly, it’s not just the big enterprises are running towards more automated software technologies equally the SMBs IT ships have also hit the safe harbors.
Below we collate few IT Industry technologies reckon to take boardrooms discussions. Meantime, sense the challenges and assimilate your balance sheets for the new IT budgets:
Ubiquitous Hybrid Cloud
With businesses mulling to deplete exorbitant overhead and infrastructure costs, they are helming their strokes more onto pay-as-per-service or cloud-based computing solutions. Spurred in no small part by growing consumer confidence in this new technology, more and more businesses are discovering the advantages of moving their software applications to remote private cloud networks. With a wink on the global economy and the growth resumes these solutions allow for low-cost, on-demand scalability.
Mobile-device proliferation is taking on the cards. Gartner reckons that there will be a shift of focus from devices to how the user and device interact in different environments and contexts.
From an IT management point of view, companies will continue to seek out people with the ability to manage suppliers and cloud service delivery over the technology itself.
Big Data Analytics to hit Biggest
Few months before the scenario of Big Data might be absurd with tattles of Big Data to be more furiously hit the streets of technology. At last the possibilities are on the verge, with business analytics increasingly available in near-real time, thanks in large part to advances in non-relational databases and other key technologies.
Again, this shift is being driven by the larger outside-in trend. While early implementations of big data were homegrown, today many analytics solutions are available from vendors and partners. The real big data issue for 2015 will be the availability of big data people, and their big data skills, rather than big data technology itself. Companies will need big data people with analytics skills and also skills for building the new data architectures required to handle unstructured data and real-time input.
Similarly, much of the data that the new genre of digital march requires is coming from outside the organization. For example, how well is a product performing in the marketplace? Who are potential partners, and how well are they delivering against their most important performance metrics?
In 2015, spending on big data related software is expected to increase to around £80 billion globally as reported by the IDC. IoT will become the next critical focus for data and analytics services with IDC predicting 30% CAGR over the next five years. The increasing influx of data available to organisations will require the infrastructure being used to house, process, analyse and visualise intelligence to expand.
The IDC also prognosticates that rich media analytics will be the driver behind many big data projects, expecting this area to at least swell triple in size.
Software-Defined Everything
Increasing hardware and infrastructural costs may severely affect the IT paradigms in the coming days; the emergence need to scale-up the existing systems to a software-defined solutions will be praised by the CIOs. Expanding the digital environment to include the entire physical world will require flexibility — something existing hardware-controlled networks don’t have. Software-Defined Networks, storage, data centers, and security
will be required to make it all work.
But experts believe there are bottlenecks in the complete adoption of virtualizing systems. Clearly, it’s a vital approach for the giant cloud operators and providers looking to build out vast, scalable datacentres with industrial scale and efficiency. Indeed, it’s from developments like Facebook’s Open Compute Project (an initiative to drive standardisation and automation right through the datacentre) that SDE has largely taken its cue. But does the approach really translate to enterprises more broadly, and if so is now the time to be doing something about it?
Teleworks and Virtual Offices
With more connecting things on and off premise, indeed the spur of mobility is well-off. Now the technologies like cloud solutions and IoT and other advances in office connectivity growing by leaps and bounds, companies worldwide are realizing the cost-saving benefits of virtual office environments. By moving away from traditional physical office-based business models toward remote network structures, more and more businesses are taking advantage of this new technology to increase productivity and reduce overhead.
The US and the UK aren’t the only countries that have jumped into telework; China, India, France, Brazil, and Germany have all joined this global trend.
The days of the cubicle farm are numbered. The days of the gas-guzzling commute are shrinking as well. Companies that don’t have a telecommute policy are shortchanging themselves and their employees. And there will be a “brain drain” away from companies that require employees to sit in office cubicles toward those that allow workers to telecommute.
At last Telecommuting is a profitable employee piece of pie.
Smart Business with Smart Machines
The history is going to spell a new era with smart machines coming on the attics of IT. More items will become interconnected as the Internet of Things (IoT) shapes its presence. Four basic usage models, which Gartner describes as Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend, will become applicable to a range of goods and services.
Worldwide shipments of 3D printers, meanwhile, are expected to grow 98 percent in 2015, followed by a doubling of unit shipments in 2016. The technology will reach a tipping point in the next three years as the market for relatively low-cost 3D printing devices continues to grow rapidly and industrial use expands.
Context-rich systems will be another big reach. The omnipresence of embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analytics will drive the development of systems that are alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately. Security systems that are aware of the context they operate in are one example of the trend, but Gartner says others will continue to emerge.
Prototypes of autonomous vehicles, advanced robots, and the like will bring in the most disruptive smart-machine era in the history of IT.
Digital Transparency with New IT Designations
Increasingly, business and IT executives need to be proficient in both technology and business, and not — as in the past — just one or the other.
For those firms that have begun or may begin the journey to a more enriched information program, no single resource is more vital to the effort than a leader who is empowered to be the steward and champion of the enterprise’s information. It is this steward who is appointed by executive management to lead the transformation of
the enterprise into an information-centric world that is fully connected, operationally efficient and capable of delivering data whose quality is beyond reproach.
The rise of the chief digital officer (CDO), a relatively new job title, reflects this growing need. CDOs need to be in tune with technologies that provide short cycle times for rapid growth, market sensing, analytic and response to markets. They need to understand mobile and other front-office systems that promote customer engagement and collaboration. CDOs also need to understand the requirements of both older back-office systems and regulatory compliance, and be ready to modernize these systems to deliver savings and agility while maintaining the expected stability.
Not all functional CDOs will hold the CDO title. Officially, they may be CTOs, CIOs or CMOs. But whatever their titles, CDOs will be expected to create and manage digital disruption. Expect to see CDOs emerge not only in the executive ranks but also on firms’ boards of directors.
The above are few from the lengthiest parametric changes the IT is about to face. One thing is notable the automating and virtualization is becoming acute for the growing businesses to scale-up their revenue, customer service, employees traction and overall foregoing technologies. Therefore, this financial year is to witness a sustainable swell in demand – and hence investment – amongst IT leaders, from businesses of every size.
Therefore it’s time for the budgets to be revised for your businesses and above all choose with perfection as some might stay and other might turn your IT spreadsheets.