Keysight Solutions Picked by NTU Singapore to Advance 6G
Keysight possesses key building blocks essential to helping 6G become a reality.
Keysight Technologies has declared that the Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies in Singapore has chosen the company’s software-centric test and measurement solutions to advance 6G technology based on terahertz frequencies.
The Centre chose Keysight’s solutions to validate on-chip terahertz electronic-photonic devices such as transceivers.
“Keysight is pleased to contribute to breakthroughs in 6G technology by providing NTU with a 6G testbed that accurately analyzes unchartered terrain spanning electronics and photonics technologies for their TeraX Lab,” said Boon Juan Tan, Vice President and General Manager of Keysight’s general electronics measurements solutions (GEMS) group. “Together with pacesetters such as NTU, Keysight is enabling high-speed data transfer links critical to realizing a wide range of consumer, enterprise and government 6G applications.”
“One of the world’s leading universities, NTU Singapore, through its Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies, will leverage its research strengths to explore the boundaries of new designs for 6G, as well as other emerging technologies, with the help of Keysight’s solutions,” said Ranjan Singh, Associate Professor at the Physics and Applied Physics Department of the School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, NTU. “NTU’s research into the frontiers of 6G technology will help bring to life innovations that will enhance human connection, health and safety while improving efficiencies across multiple industries.”
Located at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), a leading research university, the centre leverages terahertz frequencies to develop a unique electronic-photonic hybrid approach.
Keysight’s integrated software and hardware tools, with advanced performance in measurement science applicable to 6G technologies, enable NTU to accurately characterize complex transceiver modules.
Keysight combines the company’s high-speed arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), optical modulation analyzer with highly detectable symbol rates, network analyzer (PNA), PSG analog signal generator with compact upconverters and downconverters from Virginia Diodes Inc. (VDI) and PathWave Vector Signal Analysis software to create a turnkey solution for comprehensive testing and validation of on-chip terahertz electronic-photonic devices.
Keysight possesses key building blocks essential to helping 6G become a reality. Keysight’s multi-disciplinary capabilities support the development of terabit communication speeds, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-native IoT applications, non-terrestrial networks, time-sensitive networking (TSN) and new end-to-end security paradigms.
Keysight partners with global leaders in 6G such as NTU to conduct research and development including trials and proof of concepts (PoCs).