Latest TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 for Industrial Drives Applications By Infineon
Infineon Technologies presents its new 1200 V TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 and emitter-controlled EC7 diode. The IGBTs provide for higher power density, lower system cost, and reduced system size. Packaged in the well-known Easy housing, the power module fits the needs of industrial drives applications.
Based on the new micro-pattern trench technology, the TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 chip performs with much lower static losses compared to the IGBT4. Its on-state voltage is reduced by 20 percent. This brings significant loss reduction in the application, especially for industrial drives, which usually operate at moderate switching frequencies. The power modules feature a maximum allowed overload junction temperature of 175°C. Additionally, they are marked by softer switching and improved controllability.
The new 1200 V TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 modules are designed with the same pinout as TRENCHSTOP IGBT4 modules, which supports manufacturers in reducing their design efforts. More importantly, the new modules enable a higher output current in the same package, or the similar output current in a smaller package. As a result, designers can realize more compact inverter designs where needed. All module types are equipped with Infineon’s reliable PressFit mounting technology for low ohmic resistance and reduced process time.
The new TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 technology is offered in an industry-standard EasyPIM housing for the current classes 10 A and 25 A. For more power, the EasyPACK 2B carries 100 A. Lead types are FP10R12W1T7_B11, FP25R12W1T7_B11, and FS100R12W2T7_B11.
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