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Littelfuse setP Temperature Indicators, In Stock at Mouser

Mouser ElectronicsMouser Electronics is the first to stock setP temperature indicators from Littelfuse. Designed for the expanding USB Type-C market, setP surface mount temperature indicators help protect against overheating in USB Type-C plugs and chargers with captive Type-C cables.

Littelfuse setP temperature indicators, available first from Mouser Electronics, help protect USB Type-C plugs from overheating, combining overcurrent and over temperature protection into a single package. Consolidating these protection technologies replaces the need to use both current limiting switches and PPTC devices.

Available in a compact, 2.0 mm × 1.2 mm (0805) SMD package, setP temperature indicators are a discrete solution that is independent of power, featuring a sensitive sensing temp of 100 degrees C. The SMD setP series offers an easy drop-in solution to existing designs, protecting systems with power 100 W or higher without contributing to IR loss.

Further information, visit: Click here.


Jyoti Gazmer

A Mass Comm. graduate believes strongly in the power of words. A book lover who dreams to own a library some day. An introvert but will become your closest friend if you share mutual feelings about COFFEE. I prefer having more puppies over humans.

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