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Mouser Electronics Dignified By “Top Distribution Award” from Littelfuse

Littelfuse selects the winner of the High Service Distributor of the Year award based on a variety of distributor performance metrics. These criteria include overall sales growth, focus product sales, growth in the number of customers served, and the number and quality of creative marketing campaigns that reach customers.

Mouser ElectronicsMouser Electronics has been privileged with the 2017 High Service Distributor of the Year award by Littelfuse. The recognition was received by Mouser at the 2018 Electronic Distribution Show (EDS) in Las Vegas.

“We are proud to honor Mouser Electronics as a premier channel partner for Littelfuse,” said Dave Heinzmann, Littelfuse President, and Chief Executive Officer. “With an unwavering commitment to outstanding customer service, we view Mouser as a true partner in innovation. Mouser has helped drive increased demand and sales growth across our expanding portfolio of circuit protection, power control, and sensing technologies. Maintaining strong alignment with our channel partners is a critical part of meeting the most demanding engineering and production needs of our customers.”

Littelfuse selects the winner of the High Service Distributor of the Year award based on a variety of distributor performance metrics. These criteria include overall sales growth, focus product sales, growth in the number of customers served, and the number and quality of creative marketing campaigns that reach customers. Mouser has previously won the Littelfuse High Service/Catalog Distributor of the Year award in 2008 through 2011 and in 2014 and 2015.

“Mouser is grateful for this important recognition from Littelfuse,” said Glenn Smith, Mouser’s President and CEO. “Littelfuse and Mouser have a collaborative, innovation-focused partnership aimed at meeting customer needs through best-in-class service. We look forward to continuing and growing this outstanding partnership.”

Web for Mouser: Click here

Web for Littelfuse: Click here


Jyoti Gazmer

A Mass Comm. graduate believes strongly in the power of words. A book lover who dreams to own a library some day. An introvert but will become your closest friend if you share mutual feelings about COFFEE. I prefer having more puppies over humans.

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