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STM32Trust: Secure Boot, Update, and Install Under One Roof

STM32TrustWe have launched STM32Trust, a new initiative that focuses on all the software and hardware solutions we bring to improve the security of our devices. Because information security, or InfoSec, is such a vast domain, we wanted to design a unique program that would more easily help engineers benefit from all the ST tools at their disposal. Security is a recurring topic on this blog because as IoT gets the unfortunate nickname of “Internet of Threats,” finding the right solution and using the proper tool may not be obvious. Additionally, taking advantage of all the features that a system offers is not always evident, and as the need arises to obtain an increasing number of certifications, developers have a harder time implementing vital protections.
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Niloy Banerjee

A generic movie-buff, passionate and professional with print journalism, serving editorial verticals on Technical and B2B segments, crude rover and writer on business happenings, spare time playing physical and digital forms of games; a love with philosophy is perennial as trying to archive pebbles from the ocean of literature. Lastly, a connoisseur in making and eating palatable cuisines.

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