STPI Invites Startups for Open Challenge Program 3.0
Start-up should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its incorporation.
Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) has announced Open Challenge Program 3.0. The objective of this challenge is to boost start-ups in the field of medical equipment/electronics & health informatics, and, to contribute to “Make-in-India” & “Digital India” programs of Govt. of India by reducing Health Care Equipment imports and recognize the value of Health Care Equipment & Technology locally.
Who Can Apply?
- The start-up must be incorporated as a
- Private Limited Company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or
- Registered Partnership Firm (Regd. under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or
- Limited Liability Partnership (under the Liability Partnership Act 2008)
- The date of registration/incorporation must not be beyond 10 years.
Annual Turnover
Start-up should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its incorporation. Original Entity An entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already existing business.
Innovative & Scalable
Entity working towards innovation, development, or improvement of products, processes, or services or if it is a scalable business model with high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
Applicant can apply here
The last submission date is July 11, 2022.
For more info, click here