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Vehicle Recognition System-Redefining Vehicle Safety

Vehicle Recognition System with AI is often integrated into applications like ticketing and toll collection, but the technology has climbed ranks to become a central hub for many smart city services. 

Vehicle Recognition SystemCountless launches of smart devices every day along with the heavy push towards developing smart cities all around the world by every government is strongly indicating a coming tide of smart world, a digital revolution in the process.

As the popular saying goes, even tiny drops if collected can make up an ocean, a bundle of small projects that could join up to a larger aggregate system can become an accessible approach to modernize smart city infrastructure.

Vehicle Recognition System with AI is one such project that can remodel vehicle access control to a whole new level.

As the automotive industry has started leveraging smart technologies in their new control systems to rush towards a smart and autonomous vehicle, the security and management of these vehicles are gaining more attention than ever.

The high risks of hacking smart control panel in a connected vehicle as well as the high rate of stealing cars has made people wary of owning this new technology.

However, Vehicle Recognition System with AI has now opened a new world of identifying vehicles in the fastest and smartest way possible.

Vehicle Recognition System with AI is often integrated into applications like ticketing and toll collection, but the technology has climbed ranks to become a central hub for many smart city services.

Leveraging the existing cameras at traffic lights in smart cities, Vehicle Recognition System with AI can power improved services and also increase the speed of revenue recovery.

And the application is just a pin in the vast sea, as we are going to talk at length about various perks of Vehicle Recognition System with AI while introducing all about this emerging technology.

Unraveling Vehicle Recognition System

Vehicle Recognition System with AIAs the crime rates are increasing day by day, the frequency of stolen cars has reached an all-time high, especially cars as the vehicles go off the grid with no tracking system to recover them.

Keeping this in mind, developers have worked to develop a robust Vehicle Recognition System that could assist the recovery of these stolen goods with an existing barrage of cameras fitted at every turn of traffic lights intersection.

Seems like a spy-influenced technology, right?

Though partly right, since Vehicle Recognition System can utilize almost any IP-enabled camera and turn it into a multipurpose roadway monitoring device.

Based on the simple analogy of how numerous vehicles travel through a city, these already fitted cameras can easily scan and seamlessly capture information including plate numbers, vehicle color, make, vehicle body type, model and even the direction of travel.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can then fuel the analysis for decision-making based on the data collected towards multiple agency-specific missions that range from policing, traffic monitoring, environmental improvement and parking management.

Counting the wide network of cameras that people have surrounded themselves nowadays, the task of Vehicle Recognition System with AI is even easier when we couple Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) camera systems with it.

Use Cases of Vehicle Recognition System with AI

Vehicle RecognitionAs smart cities are getting the required push to develop faster than ever by every government around the world, Vehicle Recognition System with AI can make up a huge variety of use cases with multiple opportunities to augment the efficiency of government services.

Let’s understand some of the most basic perks of integrating this technology.

  • Building Smarter and Intelligent Roadway Networks– Leveraging cameras that the police department uses, the city planning department can count vehicle totals, analyze congestion patterns and can also generate detailed traffic reports from a single hub as they use this technology.
  • Curbing Crime and Improving Public Safety- Advanced Vehicle Recognition System with AI can improve public safety initiatives as they could detect if a vehicle is driving the wrong way on city roadways or is traveling at a dangerous speed or the subject is involved in a criminal investigation based on the photo seized at the traffic intersection in near-real-time.
  • Smart Parking Management-Vehicle Recognition System with AI can also identify vehicles if they enter a registered parking facility. For a frictionless integration with back-end systems, a person could register in a paid parking area in either a prepaid or monthly manner for parking.
  • Revenue Recovery- Advanced vehicle recognition systems can also alert the users to enable multiple revenue recovery practices like congestion pricing, parking citation collection and vehicle licensing and registration.
  • Restricting Carbon Emissions in City Transportation- Utilizing a smart camera connected to a centralized data analysis system, users can even check and interpret vehicle emission levels based on the characteristics of each vehicle on the roads that will eventually help in curbing the carbon emissions in a particular area.

Top Companies in Vehicle Recognition System

Compiling the list of top companies working in Vehicle Recognition System include,

Rekor System

Rekor System provides AI-powered real-time insight to diverse areas like roadway intelligence, customer experience and public safety. The company’s AI-driven vehicle recognition adds efficient customer experience in restaurants and retail operations.

Omniq Corp

Previously known as Quest Solutions, Omniq leverages its AI capabilities to offer supply chain and public safety solutions as its AI technology can address the needs of enterprise mobility solutions.

PlateSmart Technologies

Pioneering in the ALPR solution space, PlateSmart was the first company to launch a software-only camera-agnostic system that can integrate with existing camera, video management systems or third-party solutions.


Conduent is another big name in Vehicle Recognition System with AI that uses a combination of hardware, software and advanced video analytics to keep communities stay safe. It’s DriveSafe Enforcement System enables red light enforcement, speed control, restricted lane and one-way enforcements to name a few.


Aishwarya Saxena

A book geek, with creative mind, an electronics degree, and zealous for writing.Creativity is the one thing in her opinion which drove her to enter into editing field. Allured towards south Indian cuisine and culture, love to discover new cultures and their customs. Relishes in discovering new music genres.

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