Yahoo to block Facebook and Google from accessing its Web services
In a dramatic move of sorts that is illustrative of changes being made by its Chief Executive Marissa Mayer, Yahoo is all set to block users from accessing its various online services, including Fantasy Sports and photo-sharing site Flickr, with a Facebook or Google account.
Under the new change, you’ll need a Yahoo sign-in to access any of the Yahoo’s web products. Of late, Yahoo is trying from its barrio to generate interest in the company’s Web products. As stated by the company, the move will allow it to offer the best personalised experience to the users. Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’Em, a fantasy college basketball service, is the first Yahoo service which will necessitate the new-fangled sign-in process whereby you will need a Yahoo sign-in to access the service.
Ever since Mayer came at the helm of affairs in 2012, Yahoo has unbolted novel versions of several of its key products, plus Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Finance.